When there are umpteen reasons for banking with us, why one should not?
- Are you not interested in SAFETY?
NSB has been at the forefront of ensuring safety for all our customers with our very unique Government Guarantee to uphold claims on all deposits and the interest thereon. We have even been awarded the Safest Bank by Global Finance Magazine consecutively in 2016 and 2017.
- Are you not interested in STABILITY?
NSB is the only Sri Lankan bank to be rated “AAA” lka by Fitch Ratings for 16 consecutive years and NSB is ranked the 6th Best Sri Lankan Brand by Interbrand.
- Are you not interested in GROWTH?
NSB has steadily grown from strength to strength achieving the milestone of Rs. One Trillion Asset Base in 2017. This achievement is a testament to NSB’s steady growth over the years.
- Are you not interested in a wide NETWORK?
NSB has a wide network across the island exceeding 4,000 service points including Branches, Postal Banks, Post Offices, NSB ATM’s, NSB iSaver agents and an international network of correspondent banks as well as agents.
- Are you not interested in HISTORY?
The predecessor to NSB; The Ceylon Savings Bank (CSB) was established in 1832 and hence NSB draws upon a banking legacy of 185 years.
- Are you not interested in INNOVATION?
NSB offers a range of innovative banking products to our customers; Hapan for children; Ithuru Mithuru for Youth; Savings and FD’s for adults and Gaurawa for the Senior Citizens