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NSB Bank Sri Lanka Banner


Details Minimum Deposit Annual Interest Rate(%) Method of Interest Calculation Payment of Interest Effective Interest Rate(%)
Ordinary Savings 5/- 03.00 Daily Monthly
Postal Savings 5/- 03.00 Monthly Yearly
Rata Ithuru 100/- 03.00 Daily Monthly
Sthree 500/- 03.00 Daily Monthly
Hapan and Punchi Hapan 5/- 03.50 Daily Monthly
Ithuru Mithuru (i’m) 1000/- 03.00- 03.50 Daily Monthly
Neo 1000/- 03.00- 03.25 Daily Monthly
Ithurum Niwasa 5000/- 03.00 Daily Monthly
Happy Savings 1000/- 03.00 – 06.00 Daily Monthly
Smile 100/- 03.00 Daily Quarterly
Pas Avurudu Account 100/- – 1000/- 07.50 Daily Monthly
Pension Plus 1000/- 03.25 – 09.38 Daily Monthly
Details Minimum Deposit Annual Interest Rate(%) Method of Interest Calculation Payment of Interest Effective Interest Rate(%)
Fixed Deposit 60 Months (Triple A) 100,000/- 08.00 Maturity Maturity 06.96
Fixed Deposit 60 Months (Triple A) 1,000,000/- 06.75 Monthly Monthly 06.96
Fixed Deposit 60 Months (For Retirement benefits) 1,000,000/- 07.25 Monthly Monthly 07.50
Fixed Deposit 48 Months (Triple A) 1,000,000/- 07.75 Maturity Maturity 06.98
Fixed Deposit 48 Months (Triple A) 1,000,000/- 06.75 Monthly Monthly 06.96
Fixed Deposit 36 Months (Triple A) 25,000/- 07.50 Maturity Maturity 07.00
Fixed Deposit 36 Months (Triple A) 1,000,000/- 06.75 Monthly Monthly 06.96
Fixed Deposit 24 Months 1,000,000/- 06.75 Monthly Monthly 06.96
Fixed Deposit 24 Months 1000/- 07.25 Maturity Maturity 07.00
Fixed Deposit 12 Months 1000/- 07.00 Maturity Maturity 07.00
12 Months -Monthly 25,000/- 06.75 Monthly Monthly 06.96
Fixed Deposit 07 Months 500,000/- 06.85 Maturity Maturity 06.95
Fixed Deposit 06 Months 1000/- 06.75 Maturity Maturity 06.86
Fixed Deposit 04 months 500,000/- 06.50 Maturity Maturity 06.64
Fixed Deposit 03 months 1000/- 06.50 Maturity Maturity 06.66
Fixed Deposit 01 month 500,000/- 06.00 Maturity Maturity 06.17
Pensioners A/C-Monthly 25,000/- 07.00 Monthly Monthly 07.23
Gaurawa (Monthly) 25,000/- 07.00 Monthly Monthly 07.23
Gaurawa (Maturity) 25,000/- 07.25 Maturity Maturity 07.25
Gaurawa + (Monthly) 25,000/- 07.25 Monthly Monthly 07.50
Gaurawa  + (Maturity) 25,000/- 07.50 Maturity Maturity 07.50
Endowment Scheme 500/- 07.00 Yearly Yearly
Details Minimum Deposit Annual Interest Rate(%) Method of Interest Calculation Payment of Interest Effective Interest Rate(%)
National Savings Certificates – 03 Months 500/- to 25000/- 06.50 Maturity Maturity
National Savings Certificates – 06 Months 500/- to 25000/- 06.75 Maturity Maturity
National Savings Certificates – 12 Months 500/- to 25000/- 07.00 Maturity Maturity
National Savings Certificates – 24 Months 500/- to 25000/- 07.25 Maturity Maturity
National Savings Certificates – 36 Months 500/- to 25000/- 07.50 Maturity Maturity
National Savings Certificates – 48 Months 500/- to 25000/- 07.75 Maturity Maturity
Prarthana Childrens Savings Certificates (From Day 1 to year 16) 5000/- to 100000/- 07.00 Yearly Monthly
Prarthana + 25,000/- 07.00 Yearly Yearly
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