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Hapan Pranama Awards 2024 (Branch Level)


Every applicant must have scored the cut-off mark or above issued by the Ministry of Education for the Grade 5 Scholarship Examination – 2024. The applicants will be eligible to receive gifts and certificates as follows.


The existing balance at the Hapan or Postal Hapan Savings Account as at the date of issuing the results. (Rs.) The Gift
(1) Between 100/- & 2,500/- A certificate
  • If the balance is increased with a new deposit, up to Rs. 7,500/-,
A certificate and a set of exercise books.
  • If the balance is increased with a new deposit up to Rs. 10,000/-
A certificate, a set of exercise books and an NSB branded school bag.
(2) Between 2,501/- & 7,500/- A certificate and a set of exercise books.
  • If the balance is increased with a new deposit up to Rs. 10,000/-
A certificate, a set of exercise books and an NSB branded school bag.
(3) Above 7,500/- A certificate, a set of exercise books and an NSB branded school bag.


  • If a student, who have passed the Grade 5 Scholarship Examination – 2024 but does not have a Hapan or Postal Hapan Account and wishes to receive the gifts, he/she can claim it by opening a new account with a minimum deposit of Rs.10,000/-.

**Application closing date –  30.06.2025.


Click Here:   Application

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